Hello everyone!

Today im gona talk about what changes maybe I like to make to my study program.

Today I am in my fourth semester of my career oaf public administration at the school of government and public management of the university of chile.

Being a career with a diverse emplorability we are prepared to face different possible jobs, so the program is varied and extensive, but this does not imply that the career is tedious, on the contrary, it makes it even more fun, that is why I would not change many things in the study plan, each branch is there because it is necessary. But if there were the opportunity to make any change, I would not remove but add, I think it is necessary to deepen in technology, a branch that helps us to improve our knowledge in various platforms.

In our first semester we had a course that went this way, unfortunately we were only taught the basics of Excel, and it only lasted one semester.

On the other hand, not only I consider important the field of technology, but it is also important that teachers are a little more didactic, or make their classes a little more harmonious, most try to follow these steps, but there are others who only talk and do not listen and do not stop to think if their students are learning.

Touching the more external environment of the school of government and public management, by this I mean the infrastructure, I must admit that it is not a building that pleases me, it is outdated, with very small rooms, and with very small spaces considering the number of students, plus its biggest flaw is that it is not very inclusive since it does not have an elevator for people with reduced mobility, but nevertheless, for some reason it feels like a special place even though I have been a short time in the building as such.


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